
Islam and New Testament

Islamic View of Jesus
In Islam, Jesus(PBUH) is recognised as a messenger of God and the Messiah who was sent by God almighty to guide the children's of Israel - preaching the Gospel. Muslims view Jesus (PBUH) in the same way as they view all other prophets of God....
Mary and Her Mother
The Quran informs us that the wife of Imran (PBUH), Hanan was a barren women who longed for a child, and she made a vow to GOD that, if he granted her a child, she would dedicate him....
Mary the Pure
The Qur'an speaks of Mary(called Maryam in Arabic) not only as mother of Jesus, but as a righteous women in her own right. There is an entire chapter in the Qur'an named after her....
The Birth of Jesus
When Mary(PBUH) became a women, the angel 'Gabriel' was sent to her in the form of a man - Bringing her the glad tidings of a son, who was to be....
The First Miracle of Jesus
The Noble Qur'an speaks about the very first miracle of Jesus (PBUH) - when he spoke in his infancy to defend the chastity of his mother....
The Miracles of Jesus
Jesus (PBUH) performed many miracles by the will and permission of God almighty - The holy Qur'an offers great insight into these miracles....
The Mission of Jesus
Jesus(PBUH) was a link in a long chain of prophets and messengers sent by God to various nations whenever they deviated from the teachings of the God. Jesus(PBUH) was sent by God to the children's of Israel who had deviated from....
Testimony of Jesus
On the day of judgment, God almighty will gather all of the prophets and he will say to prophet Jesus(PBUH) - God will say: "O Jesus, the son of Mary! Did you say to the people, worship me and my mother as gods instead of God almighty?"....
The Crucifixion of Jesus
The Islamic prospective is that Jesus(PBUH), was not crucified but rather raised up to the heavens. The holy Qur'an emphatically clarifies this point in the following verses....
Second Coming of Jesus
The second coming of Jesus(PBUH) is prophesised in the Qur'an and in the prophetic tradition of the prophet Muhammad(PBUH). Also he has been made a sign for the coming of the day of Judgment.
Islam and Old Testament

Islam and Polytheism
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Muhammad (PBUH) – In the Old and New Testament
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Section 3
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Section 4
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